Friday, October 16, 2009

You should approach Facbook and Twitter differently when it comes to social media for your business

Oh yes, there is a difference, a huge one, between how people connect in Facebook and Twitter. So as you formulate your strategies for your business, you need to be aware of this difference and adjust your strategy accordingly.

1. Facebook is a site, Twitter is a messaging terminal
Facebook is more or less a site where you can create a company page, link your blog, post pictures and videos, create PPC ads and more. Twitter on the other hand, is like an instant messenger to all of your followers, nothing more than 140-characters. While you can link to virtually anything, most of the aforementioned functions in Facebook is offsite on Twitter.

2.Your connect with friends on Facebook, strangers on Twitter
On Facebook, you rely on your confirmed friends' friends list to reach out to people you don't know, while this restriction can be broken with the use of business page and PPC ads, connections are not automatic. On the other hand, you can pretty much follow anyone on Twitter, and people are more receptive to follow you back. With some auto following tools you can go as far as "set it and forget it" and watch your follower list grows. Obviously, I'm not suggesting this approach as the best-practice approach. But this "follower-building" dynamic will help you build a large follower base quicker.

Due to these differences (and there can be a lot more if you break both categories down), your approach to reaching out to these two groups of audience will have to be different. For Twitter, you can easily engage with your customers and prospects that talks about your brand and products by replying to their twitter post, whereas in Facebook your brand monitoring is only confined within your "friend" circle. On the other hand, customers who becomes a fan on your Facebook business page are most likely your A-list customers, and your communication to this group will focus on retaining their loyalty to your brand and utilize this space to host special events that attract your A-list customers to this channel.

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